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Inspiring Courage


(Originally posted 07/24/2024)

On Saturday, July 13th, 2024, at 6:11 p.m. in Butler, Pennsylvania, our country witnessed an inspiring display of courage in the midst of tragedy. An assassin's bullet came within a quarter of an inch of killing our 45th President Donald J. Trump. For several seconds, the crowd waited, wondering if the President had been killed. Then he rose to his feet, surrounded by Secret Service agents as blood covered the right side of his face from where the bullet had sliced through his ear. He noticed the crowd and, wishing to encourage them despite still being in a potentially life-threatening situation, he raised his fist into the air and encouraged us to keep fighting for our country. The crowd roared with relief, awe, and triumph at President Trump’s breathtaking show of courage.

While this is an image that will linger in the minds of Americans for decades to come, it is by no means President Trump's only show of courage over the last several years. Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to defend the freedom of this country at its birth. President Trump has been attacked in each of these areas. His reputation has been routinely besmirched by his political opponents, who have falsely accused him of Russian collusion, of inciting an insurrection, of violating secrecy laws, among many other lies. Many would have been overwhelmed by one false accusation, but President Trump has overcome despite numerous attempts to tear him down. They have levied massive fines on him, and yet he has proceeded to succeed, turning obstacles into wins. Even when he personally had Covid-19 in 2020, he continued to prove a courageous leader for his country in a tumultuous time. His family has also come under threat time and again and have been outspoken in their support, despite the personal risk to themselves.

President Trump was not the only person to display courage at the rally on July 13th. During his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC), President Trump shared how he was amazed and encouraged by the crowd at the rally. By not panicking, they avoided adding stampeding deaths to the tragedy of the day. Instead, President Trump praised their courage, expressing how he could feel the love of the people there, despite the violent attack. President Trump also praised the courage of the Secret Service agents who rushed onto the stage and put their own lives on the line to protect him, saying in his speech that their covering of protection made him feel safe despite the bullets still buzzing through the air. Intensive investigation is still needed into the leadership in charge of the security of this event, the Secret Service and other federal and local law enforcement agencies that failed to prevent this assassination attempt. One man of courage, a heroic firefighter named Corey Comperatore, threw himself over his wife and daughters, sacrificing his life to save theirs in an ultimate display of love. 

On July 13th, we saw the type of courage that inspires others to be courageous. Over the course of the four day RNC, several speakers displayed inspiring courage. There were multiple speakers who had voted Democrat most or all of their life who shared that real life events, such as crime in their communities, had changed their minds, which represents a growing trend of movement in support of President Trump. One mother shared how her son was killed by fentanyl which is devastating young people in our country. Calling for accountability and change were also the Gold Star families of those who died in service to their country in Afghanistan when the pull out was so disastrously handled. The families of American hostages still being held by Hamas also boldly spoke up, pointing out the failure of current leadership to bring our people home. These are just a few of the many voices, both at the convention and around the country, who have decided now is the time for courageous action and being willing to speak up, even if the cost is great.

President Trump, the attendees of the rally on July 13th, and many others have been examples of courage for us and the rest of the nation. Now it is time for us to show courage as well to bring restoration and healing to our nation. In 1931, Winston Churchill wrote that courage “is the quality which guarantees all others”. All virtues take courage to live out. The actions of one person can have effects that reach farther than we can imagine. Maybe you have skills that can be helpful in local elections, election integrity, or other crucial areas needed to ensure excellent government on all levels. Simply voting is one of the most fundamental actions you can take. Now is the time to join with President Trump and others all across our nation to “Fight, Fight, Fight” to Make America Great Again!

Our prayers go out to the family of Corey Comperatore as well as to the two men injured on July 13th, David Dutch and James Copenhaver. We also pray for President Trump’s continued healing.

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