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Other Republican Organizations

EDC Republican Central Committee

Second Monday of the month
EDC Republican Headquarters
3181 Cameron Park Dr., Ste 104
Ex-Offcio of Tom McClintock, Terry Gherardi (916) 410-6119

El Dorado West Republican Women Federated

Third Monday of the month, 5 to 6pm Social Hour- Dine (Optional) Meeting follows
Denny’s Restaurant
3446 Coach Lane, Cameron Park
Joan Matteson (530) 391-6722 or Terry Gherardi (916) 410-6119

Georgetown Divide Republican Women Federated

Third Tuesday of the month
10:45 am to 1pm

I.O.O.F. Hall 6240 Main Street Georgetown
Call 530-919-1244 or email:

South Tahoe Republican Women Federated

Second Tuesday of the month
11:30am to 1pm

Casey’s Restaurant
212 Elk Point Road,
Zephyr Cove, Nevada

Telephone: 530-545-2839

Kingdom Builders

Turning Point Hub

Topher Hall- President (530-364-7195)

Cameron - Vice President 

Young Republicans of Greater Sacramento

Taylor Brown - President 

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