Elections are just around the corner, and now that ballots have been mailed out in California and drop boxes are opening up, it is more urgent than ever for our friends and family to get clear and accurate information about the issues and candidates at stake. We have many options at our fingertips, using both digital and physical resources. Most of us have experienced opening the ballot and staring in confusion at all the names and propositions wondering what on earth to do. So how do we get clarity for ourselves and our loved ones?
In the past, conservatives have had difficulty finding outlets where they could speak freely. Many communication mediums have been predominantly liberal. On top of this, many conservatives were not even aware of how much their voice was being throttled online through techniques such as shadowbanning (limiting or hiding a user on social media without their knowledge), limiting search results, and flagging posts and pages so that they would not be amplified. This meant that even when someone was actively looking for conservative voices, it could feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
However, in the last few years, the tide has begun to turn. Alternative media sources are opening new avenues for discovering conservative news, opinion, and discussion. Whatever you may think of Elon Musk personally, X, along with Truth Social, are part of a growing group of platforms that emphasize free speech and make it possible for information to spread and be discussed, especially for conservatives. Rumble has developed as an alternative video platform, and various independent news networks are finding freedom in online streaming and podcasts.Â
Additionally, a better understanding of the techniques that have been used to throttle conservative voices has led to a better understanding of how to work around those methods and how to catch them in action. An example is switching to new search engine options for more varied and diverse results because you are aware of how major search engines tailor search results to show you what they want you to see. It helps to understand that maybe the low views on your political posts are because the social media platform has flagged it as potentially disturbing content or refuses to push it as aggressively as non-conservative posts. Conservatives have even stepped into the arena of developing new systems and hardware to prevent throttling via internet servers or cell phone providers.
What does this mean for you and your friends and family? It means that we are seeing a fight for freedom of speech and a new capacity to discuss conservative ideas that we have not seen in a long time. It is now possible to pull up voter guides from various conservative websites and share that information with friends and family in a few clicks. It is possible to find a political podcast that deeply discusses the issue you are wrestling with and what the potential ramifications of it could be. We can now be independent reporters in our communities and share what candidates are really saying and doing and how it lines up (or doesn't) with their purported stances.
The deadline is approaching. Ballots are being mailed in or dropped off. Friends and family are searching through state-issued voters guides trying to understand where the potential pitfalls are and who is telling the truth. Now is the time for conservative voters to step into the tech world and exercise our freedom of speech. It is time to make it clear just why liberal leaders are so desperately trying to silence conservative voices. It is time to let true and honest discussion and accountability step into the spotlight.Â

So how can you contribute? Whether you are a tech master who serves as the IT go-to for all your relations, or you have barely dared to tread into the wide world of tech, your contribution to the conversation matters. Whether that is texting a candidate’s stances to your family, creating content, developing independent hardware, supporting a podcaster, starting a new platform company, or sharing a link of helpful information with a friend, you can make an impact right now, today, that matters in this election, regardless of how left-leaning your state may be.
Have questions? Want to know more? Check out our other blog posts or Contact Us for more information. See and share our voter guide for El Dorado County here!